I'm a bit tired just reading through your itinerary so I really hope you're taking a good amount of naps now that you're home. I'll absolutely look into the KYD mentorship x

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Taking it easy today. x

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Sep 10Liked by Maggie Mackellar

I love gadding about on your adventures!! You have so much energy you leave me breathless :)

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Sep 10Liked by Maggie Mackellar

I was one of the lucky ones who was at your Port Fairy Literary Weekend session on Loss and Grief. Sorry you had to fly but now I understand why. What a whirlwind of a long weekend for you. I hope you’re catching your breath again and enjoying winding down with some normalcy.

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I was so sorry I had to rush off!

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Sep 18Liked by Maggie Mackellar

Yes, you were mad to give yourself such a tight schedule, but trying to please everyone I bet… that’s what happens when everyone wants a piece of you. I’m new here, and instead of starting from the beginning I came in on the second last post. As I’m confined to the couch for the next couple of weeks I’m sure I will get to read a lot more. I did recommend you to my sister who told me she had been following you on Substack for ages.. and here’s me who has been writing on Substack for a couple of years and today was the first time I had seen your name pop up.

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You are so right! Trying to please everyone. It’s a bad habit. I hope you can enjoy enforced couch time and heal quickly. Thank you for following along!

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Sep 12Liked by Maggie Mackellar

How amazing is Ros Canter .. and what a horse…

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Sep 11Liked by Maggie Mackellar

Hi Maggie, so glad you made it to Gil and Curban without too many hitches. Sad I couldn’t be there too, but second-best I’m having a great time in the desert around Alice Springs where all the flowers are out and the birds are going crazy. ❤️

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That sounds wonderful!

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